From the course: How to Run Great Sales Call Reviews

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Leveraging peer feedback

Leveraging peer feedback

- Many of us expect criticism from our managers. We think we're going to hear things we won't like. We need to improve this, we need to fix that. Of course, a lot of managers are supportive and constructive, and their feedback has a positive intention. However, research I've read suggests that many employees expect manager feedback to have a negative intention even when it doesn't. What does that mean for you? Salespeople might view your sales call feedback as negative even when it isn't. In this video, let's consider leveraging your sales team or the salesperson's peers in the sales call review. Think of a time when you were criticized by an adult. They were concerned by something you were doing or not doing. They gave you advice, but you filtered out what they were saying because they were adults. If the adult was clever, they tried a better tactic. They used the influence of your peers or someone you respected. What happened? The message was the same, but you were more open to the…
