From the course: How to Run Great Sales Call Reviews

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Encouraging self-review

Encouraging self-review

- Whether you realize it or not, your salespeople often mirror you. In some ways, they take their lead from you because you are the leader. Your salespeople might look up to you or want to be like you. That's normal. I have admired more than one sales leader and have tried to learn from them, be guided by them, and be like them. Maybe your salespeople want to be like you. They like how you coach, how you encourage, and how you care. Your example sets the standard for them to follow. But what is that standard and what do your salespeople see and hear in the sales call review? That's what we're going to cover in this video. I used to run pipeline reviews, deal reviews, performance reviews, and more without taking time for self-reflection. That was a mistake. It's easy to run from meeting to meeting or from sales call review to sales call review. I now take time to reflect after every coaching call and every kind of review. It isn't difficult to self-review. It just means asking yourself…
