From the course: Five Hard Conversations You’ll Have in Your Career

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Discussing career progression

Discussing career progression

- You want to grow, but you don't know. You don't know your next phase or your next role, but that's okay. The goal of your manager is to help you grow. So let's talk about growth. So you finally decided to do it. You're going to have that conversation with your manager about your career path. Congratulations, friend, you've done the hardest part of this step. But in going to that conversation, I want you to be prepared and not prepared with the outcome, but just prepared with your wants and needs. Remember, your manager's job is to help you grow, so ask them for their support. How do you do that? Number one, think about your interests. You've been with this company for a minute. Have you seen other roles and jobs that interest you? Write those down and be prepared to share those with your boss. Number two, are there any gaps that you want to fill? This could be mentorship, this could be shadowing, this could be a certification course or some training. What supports do you need to…
