From the course: Delegation Strategies for People Leaders

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Promote equity in the delegation process

Promote equity in the delegation process

From the course: Delegation Strategies for People Leaders

Promote equity in the delegation process

- Ever find yourself repeatedly turning to that same go-to person to take on new projects or tasks? It's a familiar pattern in many workplaces. That's because there's a bias toward the path of least resistance, but it can inadvertently lead to favoritism and a divided team. Delegation presents an optimal opportunity to create equity in teams. In this lesson, I'll show you how to recognize and avoid favoritism in delegation, understand the difference between equity and equality, and how to implement bias-aware leadership practices so every team member has the opportunity to shine. When leaders, often unconsciously, favor certain team members while distributing opportunities, it's known as delegation bias. This tendency may arise from inherent biases toward those who are quick to volunteer or those with whom the manager has a comfortable relationship. It's important to distinguish between equity, which acknowledges individual differences, and equality, which treats everyone identically.…
