From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

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Perfect your presentation delivery with rehearsal strategies

Perfect your presentation delivery with rehearsal strategies

From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

Perfect your presentation delivery with rehearsal strategies

- I gave a keynote presentation at a marketing conference recently. When I finished and left the stage, the first question I received was, "Spencer, how can you be so confident on the stage?" My reply was, "Well, I arrived here two days ago and spent all of yesterday from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM practicing my presentation until I couldn't bear to hear the words anymore." Then this morning when I woke up at 6:00 AM and practiced a few more times until I had to leave to come here. Then I knew the presentation inside out and can focus on the audience more when I talk. Practicing your presentation is critical if you want to give a great performance and feel confident. I'm going to share with you my process for gearing up for a presentation in a meeting or a conference or a Zoom call that will help you rehearse effectively. Sound good? Okay, let's get into it. You want to set aside time to be able to practice your talk at least eight times. Yes, I know you're busy and I know it's not…
