From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

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Identify the North Star message of your presentation

Identify the North Star message of your presentation

From the course: Creating and Giving Business Presentations

Identify the North Star message of your presentation

- Imagine as you stand up to present to the room filled with your colleagues and the CMO, you could see the whirlwind of thoughts inside their minds. Some of them might be thinking about an argument they had with a spouse last night. Some of them might be thinking about a discussion they had earlier today. Some might be distracted by checking their Slack or email. What you can be sure of is that they are not thinking about you and your presentation. Your task, both delicate and critical, is to capture people's attention and anchor it to the present moment, to your presentation. How can we do this? Well, I'm going to show you how using a North Star message, you can align everybody in the room around what you most want them to walk away with, to make that message sticky in their minds so they can remember it. A North Star message is the most important thing you want people to know, a compelling statement that draws them into your presentation and frames or primes the conversation you're…
