From the course: Create Inclusive Content: Identifying and Preventing Racism in Your Marketing

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How to create an inclusive set experience

How to create an inclusive set experience

- Producing an inclusive set experience is another way to make sure you're on your way to creating more inclusive content. This can be setting up an experience to capture photography or video that includes all kinds of content and spans multiple days. And yet, sometimes in a rush to hire a production crew, find a location, select talent, work with stylists and so much more, it's easy to overlook the most basic things critical to creating a welcoming experience for all on set. Some of us may be at the set the day of the shoot. Some of us may be helping prep for the shoot, but never actually attend live. Either way, there are many individuals who help contribute to this experience. Here are some questions for you and your team to consider. Do your makeup artists and hairstylists have experience working with darker skin tones and textured hair? Do they have the right shades of foundation, blush, and lipstick for all skin tones? Are you asking talent to straighten their hair? And, if so…
