From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Your business as a publisher

Your business as a publisher

- I started blogging about social media because I felt I had something to say. My blog was a way to build my online profile and attract business to my agency. I remember not long after I launched it, I was in the audience at a trade show and introduced myself to the person next to me. Oh, you're that blogger, she said. I thought I'd arrived. Truth is, I'd only just begun. I spent a lot of time on my posts writing, editing, polishing, and then rewriting some more before pressing publish. I treated it the same as if I was writing an article for a publication, except I was the entire editorial crew rolled up into one. But really, a business blog is probably too big for just one person and that's why assembling the right team is key. One of the most important things to remember as you develop your business blog is moving from a sales mindset to thinking more like a publisher, and that means stepping into your customers' shoes. Ask yourself, what type of content are they looking for and…
