From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

Why a business blog?

- I think Shakespeare put it best when he said, to blog or not to blog? That is the question. Okay, so maybe that's a stretch but it is the subject of this course. Why you should consider blogging for your business. Blogs have come a long way from the early days as weblog or online diary. Today, companies big and small use blogs to tell their stories, connect with customers, media, and other influencers, and build their thought leadership. But like anything, blogging's not easy and requires time, creativity, and commitment. Hi, I'm Martin Waxman, an independent PR agency owner. I conduct social media training and workshops for companies of all sizes, and I teach social media, and I've been blogging for over 10 years. The key to successfully blogging for your business is to establish a personality or voice upfront, and develop content with a distinct point of view. You can be funny, relaxed, authoritative, playful, or serious. It all depends on the culture and your company. Just embrace the three Ps. That is think like a publisher, create like a producer, and promote content that helps not sells. And that's what we'll be covering in this course. So, are you ready to craft your first blog post? Let's get started.
