From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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What to include in your multimedia mix

What to include in your multimedia mix

- [Instructor] I always considered myself a writer, so when I started my blog, I thought it was all about words. And in the first year or so, I may have used one photo, I'm not going to tell you what it is. But online communication is so much more than that. In order for your blog to be successful, you need to be a multimedia storyteller and include photos, infographics, gifs, emoji, videos, charts, and podcasts in your posts. But do you need all those elements in every post? Well, the answer is kind of yes, but within reason. For instance, not every blog needs to have a podcast or video series or the same combination of visuals in every post. But as your creating content, you need to think about which types of media enhance your story and work best for the audience you're trying to reach. Start by considering your goals, the resources you have to produce multimedia and what else you'll need. And all that depends on your budget…
