From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Organizing your content

Organizing your content

- [Narrator] By now you're getting the idea that if you want your business blog to succeed you've got to be organized. A great tool to help manage that is a content or editorial calendar. Editorial calendars aren't new. Media and journalists have been using them for years. They're an effective way to ensure you have a good pipeline of ideas for your blog and we've included a content calendar template you can use in the exercise files. Audrey Topsy has already developed a content calendar for her business and uses it to stay on track. So I asked Audrey to tell me about how she populates her content calendar with ideas for her blog. - [Audrey] I'm a creative person by nature and that's always been the approach I take with my business. I guess my blog is another outlet for that. I want it to inspire my customers and keep Topsy Turvy top of mind. - [Narrator] Would you say it's successful? - [Audrey] I think it is and it isn't, if that makes sense. Some posts make me really proud, while…
