From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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- Your business blog is so much more than an online diary. It's a showcase for your thought leadership, a place to celebrate your customers and staff, and your company's digital news and content hub. And it helps you get discovered in search. We've shown you how to come up with a great idea, develop a strategy that's tied to your business goals, and get it all set up and designed. We've shared tips on creative brainstorming, and how to establish a workflow and organize your content calendar. From editing and writing to video and audio production and basic design, we've outlined the key skills to look for when you're choosing your blogging team. Remember, it's not just about writing. Producing a range of multimedia content is key. Publishing posts on a regular basis can be a lot of work. And you can increase your content sources by adding curation, guest blogging, and syndication. Just be sure you measure what matters, that is, whether or not your blog is helping achieve your business…
