From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Measuring success and adapting

Measuring success and adapting

- [Man] A good friend of mine and PR agency owner created and runs a popular blog called Spinsucks. Her blog offers tips and advice on digital marketing and communications and one of the most popular topics is measurement. In fact, if you search the term "measurement" on Spinsucks, you'll find lots of helpful posts. Measurement can be complex but it's not rocket science and there's no perfect solution or one-size-fits-all. You start by establishing goals tied to your business objectives. So what are some of the things you can measure on your blog? Let's go to our Google Analytics page, click the sign-in, click on analytics, and it'll take you right there. So when you get to your Google page, you can see you can measure the number of users you have, the bounce rate, or how long they've stayed on your site. You can also look at where your traffic is coming from, so in this case I noticed I'm getting a lot of referrals so that means I'll wanna continue to build my network and share on…
