From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Marketing and promoting your blog

Marketing and promoting your blog

- [Martin] One of the best lessons I learned from comedy is it's not just your material that makes you a success. Delivery and timing play a big role too. The same is true for your blog. You may have amazing content but you need to deliver it to your audience at a time when they want to engage with it and that's where marketing and promotion comes in. We often think of marketing as a great way to attract customers and it is, but we forget there's another important audience, your employees. And when it comes to your blog, your staff can both spread the word and get motivated to take part. I was talking to Audry Topsy and I asked her how she gets her staff involved in the Topsy Turvy blog. - [Audry] Well, usually it's in a bakery. I try to talk about the blog with my team early in the morning, like when we're about to begin our baking projects and before the store opens but often what I have to say gets overshadowed by customers and it's hard to brainstorm when you're knee deep in…
