From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Establishing editorial guidelines

Establishing editorial guidelines

- [Instructor] Looking back to the days when blogs were online diaries, people wrote what they wanted and published when they had time. But building an audience for your business blog means taking a more strategic approach and thinking like a publisher, not a publicist. If you have multiple contributors, how can you ensure your content is written in your brand voice, yet still retains the author's personality? That's where blog guidelines come in. Of course, you'll wanna customize your guidelines to your culture and brand, but here are some general tips. Tell people how long you want each post to be and whether you want subheads, bullets, and lists. Let contributors know if they're responsible for visuals, and what type and format they should use. Offer examples of headlines. Provide a template contributor bio. Determine how frequently each person is expected to post and if stories will be assigned or you want them pitched. Talk about deadlines and the process for feedback and…
