From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Choosing your editor and team

Choosing your editor and team

- [Instructor] Blogs started out as online diaries, but as they grew in popularity, companies saw the potential and decided to jump in. Organizations wanted to use blogs to showcase their brand personality and that's tough to do in a one-person show. Plus, where would you be if your solo staff blogger left for another opportunity? To effectively manage content and build an audience, organizations had to shift their mindset and adopt a publishing approach. And that makes sense, because blogs are essentially online magazines. That's why magazine publishing is a good model to use for how to set up and structure your blog team. Of course, you need to find an editor who can create the vision and lead the charge. That person should be a talented storyteller, idea generator, and adept at multimedia. And they should love to write. Start by looking internally. You may already have someone in a comms role who could be the perfect…
