From the course: Content Marketing: Blogging for Business

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Blogging and your business goals

Blogging and your business goals

- [Instructor] Sometimes I feel like a repeating decimal when I say this, but all your social media and marketing program should help achieve your business goals. It's one thing to set up a personal blog based on a subject you're passionate about and post on it from time to time, but if you're blogging for your business, you wanna make sure your efforts and resources pay off. Audry Topsy of Topsy Turvy Cake Design already has a visual blog, she uses it to share tips and recipes and showcase her creations. She also started a podcast and she's active on social media and especially Instagram. Topsy Turvy is not a big company. I asked Audry how she and her staff have the time to create so much content. - [Audry] Actually, we don't, and I feel like we're always playing catch-up. And now, with a blog, social media, and our podcast, it feels like content marketing is my full-time job. And while I love it almost as much as I love baking, I've got a business to run. - [Instructor] I told Audry…
