From the course: Communicating Time Boundaries: A Business English Primer

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Evaluate the importance of meetings

Evaluate the importance of meetings

- [Participant 1] Yeah, so let's talk about this. I think you shouldn't feel guilty. I mean, it's fair to have other priorities, things you need to get done. Of course it's different in certain situations and this is what you're talking about, maybe a team project or if you use this with your boss all the time. But I think it is important to show where you stand as far as time goes, because it also helps the other person. I don't think anybody wants you to be annoyed or feeling anxious, you just have to make them aware. - [Michelle] Yeah, for sure. - [Participant 1] Pay attention to who is pulling you in to these meetings, let's just use that context, maybe that'll be easier. A context of people are asking you to join this meeting, as you said, Michelle and maybe you don't feel that you're needed there 'cause maybe you're not managing that particular project or product, but you're still pulled in. Who's asking you to join? Is it your boss? Then maybe they have another reason you're…
