From the course: 1 Person Crew Video Productions: Tips and Tricks

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Working with translators

Working with translators

- Hi, I'm Eduardo Angel, welcome to 1 Person Crew Tips and Tricks. This week, we'll be talking about working with translators. Very often I work in different countries where I don't speak the language, or I don't know the location. I don't know how to get around the city and how to get from point A to point B. So, working with a translator is often a very good idea. What have I learned after many years of doing this? Many things. One, it's really important to have a conversation with the translator before the actual shoot so you can explain to them what the project is about, what are your goals, and how to structure the conversation so you can make pauses or breaks to extract visuals. So it's not only about the dialogue, it's not only about recording good sound, but it's also the opportunity, it might be the only opportunity, to shoot the process. So, as an example, I worked recently with an artisan in Korea. I…
