From the course: 1 Person Crew Video Productions: Tips and Tricks

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Staying creative

Staying creative

- Hi, I'm Eduardo Angel. Welcome to 1 Person Crew Tips and Tricks. This week, we will talk about how to stay creative. How do you stay engaged in projects, personal and professional, and keep pushing forward creatively? So this is what works for me personally. So I like to consolidate all the ideas I have about characters. If I overhear an interesting conversation while waiting for a bus, I write it down, I write the topic, the conversation or a sentence. And if I find an interesting location, I take a picture, ideally with the GPS coordinates on Google Maps, for example, so I can go back and I do that. And if I listen to a piece of music, either on a music platform or just Spotify or something else, then I make a note also that that's an interesting song for this kind of project. Now, here's the key. If all those things are all over the place, then it's going to be very hard to find them in six months or a…
