From the course: 1 Person Crew Video Productions: Tips and Tricks

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Selecting the right video bag

Selecting the right video bag

- Hi, I'm Eduardo Angel. Welcome to 1 Person Crew Tips and Tricks. This week, we'll be talking about what makes a good video bag. Sometimes I use a messenger-style bag. Sometimes I use a backpack. Sometimes I prefer a rolling case and sometimes what's called for is a hybrid bag. So this week, we'll be talking about when do I use which kind of bag and why? Messenger bags were originally adopted by photo journalists and sport photographers but are also very popular with people documenting social and corporate events. Even though messenger bags are very light and compact, I can usually fit a mirrorless camera with four lenses or a compact cinema camera with a couple of lenses plus a 13-inch laptop and one or two portable hard drives. Messenger bags are perfect when I need quick and easy access to my gear and/or when safety is an issue. In other words, when I need to shoot very quickly and immediately the put…
