From the course: 1 Person Crew Video Productions: Tips and Tricks

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Bulletproof camera menus

Bulletproof camera menus

- Hi, I'm Eduardo Angel. Welcome to 1 Person Crew Video Productions tips and tricks. In this video, I would like to share with you some of the camera settings, the camera tricks that I have. So starting a shoot is faster and most importantly, I can maintain consistency from scene to scene and shoot to shoot. So let's get into it. So let's turn the camera on. And this is regardless the brand or model of the camera. I've been doing this for a long time, and I really like this setup. So this is C1, which is kind of like the plain vanilla, great starting point 4k. We can actually go one higher. So this is the maximum resolution on this camera, 4k 400 megabits per second, 30 frames per second, pretty standard aperture and shutter speed, lowest ISO on the camera, 5,600K, I shoot mostly outdoors so that works really well and the standard profile but if I'm shooting log is just a matter of clicking here or if I'm shooting HLG…
