Admin dashboard for your LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 2 months ago

If you’re a super or content Page admin, you can use the dashboard as the main landing page to help you gain insights across your LinkedIn Page. When you access the dashboard from the super or content admin view, you can review insights from different modules. 

Today's actions

The Today’s actions module suggests actions you can take to improve your Page and grow and engage with your audience. The actions refresh daily and appear at the top of your dashboard. 

Manage recent posts

Recent posts appear in the Manage recent posts module. You can interact with your recent posts directly on the dashboard with comments, mentions, reposts and reactions. If you select Show all page posts at the bottom of the module, you’ll be redirected to the Page posts tab.

Track performance

The Track performance module includes metrics from the Analytics tab of the Page’s admin view. This module includes the following metrics: 

  • Search appearance - Review the number of searches your page appeared in.
  • Page Visitors - After you select Visitors, you'll be directed to the Visitor analytics page, and you’ll see the number of visitors to your Page within a certain time frame. 
  • Followers - After you select Followers, you’ll be redirected to the Followers analytics page, and you’ll see the number of new followers on your Page within a certain time frame. 
  • Post impressions - After you select Post impressions, you'll be directed to the Content analytics page. You can view information about your posts' impressions in the Metrics and Content engagement sections. 

Join conversations

In the Join conversations module, you can see trending posts from your employees or from Pages that you follow. After you select a post from this module, you’ll be redirected to the Feed tab where you can interact with comments, mentions, reposts and reactions. 

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