Right to Repair


LG Electronics is committed to manufacturing sustainable products and providing high quality repair services. 
Through continuous investment on repair operations we enable consumers to exercise their "Right to Repair" and extend the lifetime of their LGE product whilst contributing to the realisation of a circular economy.

*Note : Only TV, Monitor, REF, Washer, Dryer, Dish Washer sold after January 2021 can be inquired
Parts replacement guide

Parts Replacement Guide

Here you will find youtube videos containing information on how to replace the service parts that are publicly available.

Warning : Self repair of the product may result in voiding the warranty, If you want to obtain more information about the repair, please contact our call center.

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Consumer Support

Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Closed Sunday and Bank Holidays

UK 0344 847 5454

IE 01 686 9454