search make a search itself search


so I have a question and a kind of idea that changes entire search systems basically what shows google after you command google to search anything it provide you tons of site and various types of other platform what happens when you get your answer directly without any other sites involvement but wait i am not telling about to create Wikipedia and show them results like Wikipedia its totally different if you can help me then I can share something which can help you to create a new era of technology so hope to your reply and thanks for your time


I am not sure if I getting the gist of the question myself however there is a way to provide Google feedback inside of their Google Search engine ( 

Other ways to submit feedback:

I am not trying to provide feedback I am trying to create a whole new search system so I desperately need help for creating a new search system because this time I have nothing except my idea not money neither work power 

Tech companies generally, including Google, don't pay for unsolicited ideas.

The best way to get paid for an idea by Google is to either apply for a job and get hired by them; or to found your own company based on the idea and grow it to the point that Google is interested in purchasing it.

Sir, thanks for your best advice

but I also know may be someone pay their attention to my post and help me out

and by the way I don't have any degree for job sir I am 3rd year physics honours student


This might be the wrong advice to give however the particular Cloud Community we are in is over Workspace FAQs and not one I would think of for technical support or the more developer side of things. I would not be surprised if there were communities dedicated to more the technical side of things or the developers side of things. When I say technical, I think of Stack Overflow and when I say Developers, I also think of Stack Overflow but also Reddit,,, and so forth. 

If you are working on an idea for your college since some universities do appreciate seeing their students work on projects, they can give you some guidance as well as in is the project supposed to be fully operational/functional but the time the student is done the college work and what resources they might have in place for their students and the such like. 

may be college can help me but problem is I am physics student not any computer science my knowledge about programming is just beginner so its the reason I am here

and thanks for your college advice I will try 

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