Total Nightmare! Unable to access Gsuite or Google Support Team! Need help right TF now!

I've been a customer since 2015 and have had the same custom domain/email/google voice since I signed up and paid for a Gsuite /Gworkspace. My account fell to default status and I lost access for a month or two. After I brought the account back to current over 24 hours ago and I still don't have access to my gmail, drive or all the other apps i had..  NOT ONLY THAT I CAN'T REACH A PERSON! The only thing that I cant access is google voice (which never stop working).


In the past, I've let my account default and NORMALLY I get right back to it after paying the bill. This time around has been a nightmare because I really do need access right away and I can't get help. Don't get me wrong, I understand one has to stay current on the bill but DAMN! I never thought Google would do me like this!

If you're not going to provide human chat support at least give me access to the data you already have RIGHT TF AWAY!

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