Message Id

Google Vault, when searching, why the long winded site operator? rcfmsd2020101???? (can't ever remember it)

just make it 'msgid':


Nothing else is conflicting with that right? 

DOing that will just make everyone's day that bit more manageable ๐Ÿ™‚

1 6 1,214

Hello @PaulO87,

Thank you for joining our Community. 
I have moved your post to  Workspace Q&A. This will ensure that you get the assistance that you are looking for, as Community Feedback is for Community questions specifically.

I've had no reply here?

@PaulO87 Could you clarify a little of what you're referring to? I am not familiar with a 'site' operator. I am familiar with the rfc 822 message ID as it is a unique ID for emails sent to gmail. This message ID can be used to identify a specific message in vault and the admin console logs.

Are you wanting the syntax of the vault search terms to be a little more 'friendly'? I agree that having the operator as rfc822msgid is a little long winded seeing as there is no other msgid operator to conflict, could feasibly be shortened to msgid.

To that end I would suggest signing up to the 'Feature Ideas' section and creating an idea.

If you decide to do this please @ mention me in the idea or post the idea URL into this thread so I can vote it up.

Thanks you so much Stimms, you totally understand what I was trying to communicate in my, unprofessional, frustrated short hand. Sorry.

Yes I would love to post the idea but unfortunately, can't. It's a closed group and have applied to be part of it, but haven't been accepted yet?  @stimms 



You will be able to post shortly, don't worry. It will just need one of the Google Community Managers for Feature Ideas to see your request and accept it. Check in tomorrow and I am sure you will have been granted access. As mentioned, when you're in please @mention me on your idea.

@PaulO87I see that you submitted a request to join a while ago. We apologize for the wait time. I can assure you that we have added you to the list of users whose requests we are processing.

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