Sign up for eSignature beta for Google Docs and Drive!

Google Workspace’s new eSignature feature is now expanding its beta access and is looking for eligible customers to try it out and provide feedback!  Keeping track of contracts, customer agreements, and other binding documents can be challenging. To help streamline this workflow, we’re allowing you to request and add electronic signatures to official contracts, directly in Google Docs and Google Drive. 

eSignature makes it easier to:

  • Quickly request signatures, see the status of pending signatures, and find completed contracts.
  • Sign an official contract right from Google Drive without having to switch apps or tabs.
  • Create a new copy of the contract for each request so that you can use your document as a template and initiate multiple eSignatures requests.

Additional details

Later this year, we will introduce support for the following new eSignature capabilities:

  • Audit trail: all completed contracts will automatically contain an audit trail report.
  • Multi-signer: the ability to request a signature from more than one user.
  • Non-Gmail users: the ability to request an eSignature from non-Gmail users.
  • Initiating eSignature on PDF: the ability to initiate an eSignature on PDF files stored in Drive.

Beta availability for Google Workspace customers

Select Google Workspace editions (see the “Availability” section below) can apply to beta test eSignature by using this form. This feature will be available as part of a larger beta, which includes access to new custom email layouts in Gmail.

These new email layouts allow users to customize existing templates, reuse a custom layout in multiple email campaigns, or create a brand new layout from scratch. Once you sign up for the beta you will see the eSignature and new Gmail features in the coming weeks.


  • Already available to Google Workspace Individual subscribers! No additional action is required to test the eSignature feature.
  • Eligible for beta: Google Workspace Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Starter, Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Enterprise Essentials Plus, Education Plus, and Nonprofits customers. Signup via this form is required.
  • We will be accepting beta applications and allowlisting customers over the next several weeks.


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Greetings, is there any mechanism to join the beta with a business workspace account as of September? Unfortunately, the form is no longer accepting responses. Thanks!

Thanks for the question @IHEI. Tagging in @gpriester for additional details. Thanks! 

Thanks @Lauren_vdv, much appreciated. Hoping that @gpriester can shed some light on an existing process for those of us with business workspace accounts (as testing this tool while in beta would be exceptionally helpful to our NP organization),  but perhaps missed the response window on the existing form. 

Hi @IHEI: unfortunately the beta is currently closed to additional parties at the moment.  I have made a note to message you in the event the beta sign-ups re-open.  -Geoffrey

@gpriester I'm very interested in trying eSignatures as well. Any timeline for general availability or access for self-service signup through the admin control panel?


My org is on the Beta right now and would like to expand it to an additional group in the organization. I contacted support for assistance but no luck.

Can you help?

Hi Geoffrey!

Do you know when there will be a general rollout of this feature? 

@gpriester - Also very interested in joining the beta if late sign-up is possible.


@gpriester, I am very curious when this functionality will become generally available. The beta version was announced about six months ago.

Hello there !

we would be also interested to whitelist our domain for this feature




My org would love to use this feature, let us know if there's an expected rollout date or if there will be another beta opening! I see the feature now in our workspace but its not working for some reason 


Hi @gpriester , I would also love to use this feature. Can you let me know when it will be available? 

@gpriester I'd love access to the beta version please? Whats the overall update on this release of this? I cant find any more info beyond mid 2023. Thanks, Michael

Hi @gpriester We are VERY interested in the beta of this as well for some simple signature needs. Is this yet available or open for more beta users?

Good morning - is there an update on when this will be available on a larger scale to Business licensing?

Hi @gpriester

Are there any updates on whether the beta program will be extended and more parties will be able to join and test, we would personally love to test it internally as resellers of Workspace and I have a few clients that are also eagerly awaiting this new feature. 

Kia Ora @gpriester and @Lauren_vdv , I would love to be a beta testa also.
My workspace account has two users so just missed out on the individual requirements.
We are in early stages of an insurance broker business and just signing up customers.
Having access to use esignature as part of my workspace licence would be a fantastic addition. 
I'm also a web developer so understand the limitations and issues that might come from a beta product.

Eagerly awaiting, Nick 🙂

Hi @gpriester , I would like to be part of the Beta testing as we use electronic signatures daily.  We are currently using Third Party software for this and would love to be able to do this with Google Workspace.



Where do I sign-in for the beta? The form is no longer available and can't seem to activate it in Admin.

I would like to signup for this feature if possible

It was setup as an option update out GWS admin console under apps\drive add docs within the last 24 hour. According to this in preparation to roll out