Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 Hours - Part 1

Hello AppSheet community,

I'd like to give a special shout out to AppSheet GDE Pablo Felip for his recent blog post "Discovering Google AppSheet in 48 Hours - Part 1"!

This is actually the first of a four part series where Pablo gives his first impressions and learnings from trying AppSheet during an intense weekend of exploration and learning.

This new series is based on his original Spanish post back in September, but he has graciously agreed to provide a multi-part, English translation of his content as well.

This content is especially helpful for new users of AppSheet as it provides a fresh perspective of AppSheet's overall platform, so feel free to share!

Congrats Pablo!

We eagerly await parts 2-4 later this month!
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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Thanks a lot, Chris! Next part, which will cover the AppSheet formula language, will hopefully go live on Friday next week.

So good! Thank you @pfelipm and @cschalk_ws! Pablo - I love the use case and app you created - looks like it's making good use of dynamic forms? 😎 

Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Thanks, @Lauren_vdv! Indeed, I use a dynamic form for teachers to pick up students from a previously chosen group they mentor. It was a pleasant surprise to discover that AppSheet is capable of this. There's a section to discuss that in part 2 of the series.





Kindness and Courageous Winning of Points for everything