Animal Farm - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis

Author: George Orwell
Book: Animal Farm

From plot debriefs to key motifs, Thug Notes’ Animal Farm Summary & Analysis has you covered with themes, symbols, important quotes, and more. This week’s episode is Animal Farm by George Orwell.

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Meemsi Bahahahahah! <3 <3 <3

Huygir Better (and much quicker) than reading the book. Raises a question... since it represents such a well known part of history and we hardly consider communism a real political threat any longer, why do people still read this book? Is it just a great example of satire for aspiring authors?

message 3: by Kamal (last edited Apr 18, 2020 09:31AM)

Kamal Khadka hohoho, much quicker than reading the book, essence is clear. communism is now no threat.

still i feel that communism is hard working people. i like people walking in a team rather than seeking a horse.

Darjeeling Huygir wrote: "Better (and much quicker) than reading the book. Raises a question... since it represents such a well known part of history and we hardly consider communism a real political threat any longer, why ..."

1. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
2. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
3. The tree of freedom is still going to need watering from time to time.
4. The leaders of BLM refer to themselves as 'trained Marxists'.

Frankie Huygir wrote: "Better (and much quicker) than reading the book. Raises a question... since it represents such a well known part of history and we hardly consider communism a real political threat any longer, why ..."

a threat??? lmao


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