2017 Reading Challenge
Participants 3,087,870
Books Pledged 141,596,207
Avg. Books Pledged 45
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
D.L. has read 60 of 60 books in 2017.
D.L.’S 2017 BOOKS
  • Origins by L.J. Smith
  • Pretty Little Liars by Marco Sparks
  • A Kiss for Luck by John  Locke
  • The Persistence of Phosphors by Joseph Dougherty
  • Spencer & Toby by Camilla Marks
  • WriteCraft by Rick Frazier
  • The Yellow Sweater by Joseph Dougherty
  • Joint Investigation by Terri Reed
  • Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
  • Crazy Campout by Lisa Norby
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message 1: by Susy (new)

Susy Almost there Daph!!

message 2: by D.L. (new)

D.L. Susy wrote: "Almost there Daph!!"

Yep. Just made it under the wire! lol

message 3: by Susy (new)

Susy Yay! Congratulations Daph!

message 4: by Elle (new)

Elle Good Job!

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