2013 Reading Challenge
Participants 419,203
Books Pledged 23,765,876
Avg. Books Pledged 56
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Stephen has read 126 of 120 books in 2013.
  • Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom
  • Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen
  • 206 Bones by Kathy Reichs
  • Shakespeare's Insults For Lawyers by Wayne F. Hill
  • Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
  • Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger
  • The Murder on the Links by Agatha Christie
  • The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
  • Christmas With My Grinch by B.L. Morticia
Comments Showing 1-2 of 2 (2 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Stephen (new)

Stephen I seem to be reading a lot of novella length and shorter books this year. Perhaps I should bump my goal up and yet... there are four volumes of George R.R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice in my TBR queue

message 2: by Stephen (new)

Stephen This often happens. I get ahead of the curve then I get distracted. Just dove into http://us.grepolis.com/

And the reading just stops for a bit.

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