2021 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,652,347
Books Pledged 306,760,011
Avg. Books Pledged 54
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Stephen has read 262 of 200 books in 2021.
  • A Caribbean Mystery by Agatha Christie
  • Take a Thief by Mercedes Lackey
  • Exile's Valor by Mercedes Lackey
  • Exile's Honor by Mercedes Lackey
  • The Daddy Clause by J.S. Grey
  • By the Sword by Mercedes Lackey
  • The Christmas Bottom by Keegan Kennedy
  • Give It Away by Gordon   Phillips
  • The Perfect Match by Matt Burlingame
  • Charisma Check by Charlie Novak
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message 1: by Stephen (last edited Jul 20, 2021 01:04PM) (new)

Stephen I seem to be "reading" a lot of audio-books this year and it annoys me that GoodReads has a policy of recording the number of hours of duration as the page count for audio-books. At a normal reading speed for most people recording page counts as the number of minutes would be MUCH more accurate. As a sort of work around I've decided to include 2nd copies of any books that I listen to in order to get a more accurate page count... though that will throw off the overall number of books read for the year. That said, I'll be bumping up my goal accordingly.

message 2: by Olivia (new)

Olivia Number of hours...? My audio books go in by percentage or number of discs.

message 3: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Olivia wrote: "Number of hours...? My audio books go in by percentage or number of discs."

It's a pet peeve of mine. GoodReads standard is to use the number of hours rounded up as the page count for audio-books. I personally feel that that really distorts the yearly pages read display. I even argued for their using minutes as a better alternative but they won't consider it.

Of course if you're commenting on a book that you're currently reading you CAN enter a percentage so as to keep track of where the comment applies .

message 4: by Olivia (new)

Olivia I understand what you're saying. But my audio books don't show up like that. The one I'm listening to now is listed as having 11 pages for 11 discs. If I were listening to it on CD, I'd count each disc as a "page", at least that's what I used to do. Now that I use Libby, I use the percentage that I've completed of the book, I think this is a lot more accurate.

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