Book Riot Community

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152441 Book Riot's Read Harder Challenge — 26787 members — last activity Jul 03, 2024 09:24AM
An annual reading challenge to to help you stretch your reading limits and explore new voices, worlds, and genres! The next challenge begins January 2 ...more
141243 The Riot Read — 181 members — last activity Feb 24, 2015 05:41AM
A place for subscribers of Book Riot's RIOT READ to get together and chat about each month's book! ...more
167568 Book Riot's YA Quarterly Discussion Group — 94 members — last activity Jul 01, 2016 12:54PM
A place for subscribers to Book Riot's Young Adult Quarterly box to get together and chat about the books in Quarterly shipments! ...more
158751 Book Riot's Quarterly Discussion Group — 505 members — last activity Mar 28, 2016 10:08AM
A place for subscribers to Book Riot's Quarterly box to get together and chat about the books in Quarterly shipments! ...more
201670 #RiotRead — 51 members — last activity Nov 14, 2016 06:05AM
*confetti cannons* It’s here! We’re kicking off our new freestyle book club, the #RiotRead, with Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho. This was one of ou ...more
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953 books | 57 friends

1,328 books | 76 friends

Elise Noga
1,150 books | 125 friends

2,213 books | 77 friends

4,967 books | 27 friends

1,720 books | 46 friends

2,204 books | 74 friends

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