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Emily Dickinson
“That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.”
Emily Dickinson

Albert Einstein
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
Albert Einstein

Mae West
“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
Mae West

H. Jackson Brown Jr.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
H. Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You

Franz Kafka
“A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.”
Franz Kafka

345771 Homer's The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson — 203 members — last activity Mar 27, 2024 03:17AM
In this group, we will read and discuss Emily Wilson's new translation of Homer's The Odyssey, published in November 2017 by Norton. We also welcome d ...more
140071 The Reading For Pleasure Book Club — 3804 members — last activity 5 hours, 59 min ago
This is a book club where we will share our current reads in ebooks, regular books, audiobooks, graphic novels and more. This is where we can all shar ...more
1085954 Dickensians! — 508 members — last activity 5 hours, 17 min ago
Do you love the stories by Charles Dickens, and anything Victorian? Are you keen to chat about his books, his life, the times or places he lived in, o ...more
1407 George Orwell Matters! — 415 members — last activity 12 hours, 9 min ago
A niche for the readers of Eric Arthur Blair's writings, among the groups for literature and fiction lovers. Eric Arthur Blair (25 June 1903–21 Januar ...more
109465 The Evolution of Science Fiction — 1677 members — last activity 1 hour, 24 min ago
We read Science Fiction from all ages, rotating group reads from Proto SF to the latest, & all authors from Abbott to Zelazny. ...more
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year in books
6,531 books | 983 friends

Blaine ...
1,346 books | 965 friends

Jim Fon...
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2,040 books | 4,997 friends

4,464 books | 5,118 friends

3,167 books | 3,237 friends

Cam Waller
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1,097 books | 4,999 friends

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