Paula Angela

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Asha Lemmie
“Mama wants to name him after her father, and my husband wants to name him after his. They want to saddle him from the cradle with the ghosts of dead men. As if his burden is not heavy enough. But I will name him myself. He is their miracle, their heir, but he is my son. And I will name him Akira.”
Asha Lemmie, Fifty Words for Rain

Asha Lemmie
“Love can be weakened by time or forgotten for the sake of another. Love can disappear, without a cause or an explanation, like a thief crept in and stole it in the night.”
Asha Lemmie, Fifty Words for Rain

Akemi Dawn Bowman
“I don’t know much about love, but I do know what it’s like to feel like you fit perfectly with someone else. I felt with Lea and Mom. And I don’t know if love can ever be more real than that.”
Akemi Dawn Bowman, Summer Bird Blue

Rae White
“let us be the kind of friends who hold hands, who when pressed palm-to-palm say yes, we are a couple of queers who spoon each other to sleep: 2 ginger cats warmly curled under blankets when the cold snap hits”
Rae White, Exactly As I Am

Elena Ferrante
“I thought: not even Lila, in spite of everything, has managed to escape from my mother's world.”
Elena Ferrante, My Brilliant Friend
tags: lila, lina

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