35029578 فايز غازي's Friend Comments

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message 5: by Maria

Maria Espadinha Welcome to my friends group, Fayez 😊
Im quite happy to add you as a friend 👍

فايز غازي Fayez Ghazi Ziznase wrote: "selam..iyi okumalar..saygılar"

Çok twşekkür ederim... tüm takdir ve saygı

Ziznase selam..iyi okumalar..saygılar

فايز غازي Fayez Ghazi L. wrote: "I like the Zappa quote -- I went to high school with Moon Unit Zappa in 1982."

That's wonderful, she appeared in "Valley Girl" that year

message 1: by L.

L. Farmer I like the Zappa quote -- I went to high school with Moon Unit Zappa in 1982.

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