Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2009! > Jessica's 50 for 2009

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message 1: by Jéssica (new)

Jéssica (jessicamuller) It's my first book challenge ever and I don't know if I can do this, but I'll try really hard! Wish me luck!

message 2: by Mary Todd (new)

Mary Todd (marytodd) | 924 comments Good luck, my dear!

message 5: by Jéssica (new)

Jéssica (jessicamuller) Thanks Mary!

message 14: by Mary Todd (new)

Mary Todd (marytodd) | 924 comments congrats on your first ten!

message 20: by Aprile (new)

Aprile (aprileb) You are doing GREAT so far! And great picks too!

message 22: by Jéssica (new)

Jéssica (jessicamuller) Thanks a lot Aprile! :D I'm working hard to achieve 50 books a year!

message 26: by Aprile (new)

Aprile (aprileb) I love Calvin and Hobbes, I've read all of them. Usually they are 'bathroom reading' at my parents' house, lol, but I used to read them all of the time as a kid :)

message 27: by Jéssica (new)

message 33: by Meranda (new)

Meranda (msl87) Congrats on getting 25!! Half way there!

message 34: by Mary Todd (last edited Apr 15, 2009 12:28PM) (new)

Mary Todd (marytodd) | 924 comments


message 35: by Aprile (new)

Aprile (aprileb) 1/2 way on Animal Farm! You sure know how to do it! :D

message 45: by Jéssica (new)

message 46: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments Hey there I just wanted to see what you thought of Marked?? You have lots of good books on this list. My son and I love the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books....did you know they are going to make a movie out of them. Well, happy reading.

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