Christian Readers discussion

Discipleship > Current Christian book you are reading and what you feel about it

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message 1: by Nicole (last edited Apr 22, 2011 11:49AM) (new)

Nicole | 35 comments Just checked out The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. Looking forward to reading it.

message 2: by Karen (new)

Karen I think I added that on my to read shelf. looks good. I usually like his books, but I have had a couple I could not finish of his. I do like that he is different and thinks in a analytical? manner. Is that the word I want? you may get what I am trying to say.

message 3: by Shelly Rowlan (last edited Apr 22, 2011 05:41PM) (new)

Shelly Rowlan | 2 comments James MacDonald's "Always True: God's 5 Promises When Life is Hard" is short and to the point. He links up application well with interpretation. Although I love books that make me think and present a new viewpoint, I crave books that give me something to DO. I enjoy interpretation, but need application. This book is great in both departments. And, again, short.

message 4: by Liz (new)

Liz (afunnygirl72) Just finished King's Cross by Timothy Keller. It's a compilation of his sermon series on the book of Mark, but it doesn't read like a sermon. It was terrific. It's always of benefit to look again at our Savior and meditate on what He has done for us. How appropriate it was for me to finish it on Good Friday and be able to think about His death and resurrection and be challenged to live differently in light of the gospel.

message 5: by Nick (last edited Apr 25, 2011 07:43AM) (new)

Nick I'm almost finished with "Invitation to World Missions" by Timothy C. Tennent. It's a fantastic look at missions from a Trinitarian perspective. I'm also reading "The Story Of Christianity" Vol. 2, by Justo Gonzalez...also excellent!

message 6: by amy (new)

amy (aimymichelle) i just finished take four by karen kingsbury. here is my review of it

if you like what you see please subscribe!

message 7: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Metz | 102 comments I'm reading Max On Life Answers and Inspiration for Today's Questions by Max Lucado . I like the format of questions and answers. I think it's very practical and theologically sound. It's the kind of book that would be very approachable for new believers and still offer answers for people struggling with issues in many areas of their life - even if they're more mature Christians. It's well organized and the format means you can read bite sized portions to fit into your day - or longer if you have time.

message 8: by Karen (new)

Karen I need to get a good Christian fiction book to read. My library really has none I haven't already read. have not been able to get anywhere to purchase any lately and (long story), but cannot even at this time order any on line. I enjoy "cozy mysteries" and some other secular books, but am missing a good Christian read. Hopefully soon I can post on this thread. I did just read Mission Possible Spiritual Covering by Deborah L. McCarragher but read it in one day. You can read my review of it on here.

message 9: by Joseph (new)

Joseph C | 1 comments The Old Time Gospel Hour Daily Devotional Bible.
I have wished for 60 years to read the bible through. Now I'm retired and have the tie to do it. This is nice to see how new and old testament sections fit together.

message 10: by Patricia (last edited May 14, 2011 07:49AM) (new)

Patricia Kirk | 154 comments Karen wrote: "I need to get a good Christian fiction book to read. My library really has none I haven't already read. have not been able to get anywhere to purchase any lately and (long story), but cannot even a..." I've reviewed several although I like truth that reads like fiction. Just hit the photo to go to my profile. For fiction I liked Who is My Shelter and A Place Called Blessing. There are a couple of mysteries included also.

message 11: by Marcia (new)

Marcia (marcialaycock) | 10 comments check out my blog for some great Christian books -

And I'd love for you all to read my novel, One Smoooth Stone. The sequel will be released this fall.

:)Marcia Lee Laycock

message 12: by Karen (new)

Karen Thanks Marcia.

message 13: by Marcia (new)

Marcia (marcialaycock) | 10 comments You are most welcome. Also, I have a few short stories and devotionals on smashwords now - just go to and put my name into the search field.

:)Marcia Laycock

message 14: by Jennmcglone (new)

Jennmcglone | 1 comments I just got Karen Kingsbury's "A Time to Dance" yesterday. I haven't had the chance to start it yet, but am eager to! I've only read one other book or hers and I liked it, so I'm hoping I like this one as well.

message 15: by Carlos (new)

Carlos Quijano | 3 comments Amongst other things, I'm reading Benedict XVI's "Jesus of Nazareth'" Part 2. Not necessarily an easy read, even though it's written for a broad audience, I have found some great insights so far.

message 16: by Karen (new)

Karen Sarah wrote: "I'm currently reading "Do Hard Things" by Brett and Alex Harris, and I love it. It's a book that challenges teens to go against their culture, to stand up for Christ in a sinful world by doing hard..."
Sounds like this book is really encouraging you. that is great.

message 17: by Karen (new)

Karen Marcia wrote: "You are most welcome. Also, I have a few short stories and devotionals on smashwords now - just go to and put my name into the search field.

:)Marcia Laycock"

am going to try to do that today. Thanks.

message 18: by Karen (new)

Karen Karen wrote: "Marcia wrote: "You are most welcome. Also, I have a few short stories and devotionals on smashwords now - just go to and put my name into the search field.

:)Marcia Laycock"

Wow, even some freebies. Looks good.

message 19: by Marcia (new)

Marcia (marcialaycock) | 10 comments Hi Karen and all - just published another piece on smashwords. Check it out - - put my name, Marcia Laycock into the search field and it will pop up.


message 20: by Księgarnia (new)

Księgarnia Katolicka | 2 comments "He liked tuesdays best" a story about John Paul II. Very good.

message 21: by Evelyn (new)

Evelyn Puerto (evelynpuerto) | 11 comments I've just started The Spirit of Disciplines by Dallas Willard. Totally awesome. If you ever wondered how to have vibrant faith, this book might give you the answer.

message 22: by Karen (new)

Karen Marcia I put your smashword page on STUMBLE favorites so I can get to it with one click.

I also just started a couple days a go: Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree How to Rid Your Home and Family of Demonic Influence and Generational Depression by Perry Stone
I have read several different books of this type, but he had some stuff in it I had never thought of of types from the old Testement to help with Spiritual life. Pretty good book, but I never agree 100% with everything I read as far as non fiction goes, so eat on it, but spit out bones.

message 23: by Karen (new)

Karen Also thanks Pat, I will check out what you mentioned also.

message 24: by Nicole (last edited Jun 17, 2011 12:07PM) (new)

Nicole | 35 comments I am reading What Good Is God?: In Search of a Faith That Matters by Philip Yancey Just like the other books I have read by him, this one does not disappoint! I HIGHLY recommend ANYTHING by Yancey.

message 25: by Karen (new)

Karen Sounds like a pretty good book Nicole.

message 26: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Kirk | 154 comments Karen wrote: "Also thanks Pat, I will check out what you mentioned also." Thanks. I've been out of commission for a few months on a temp job with long hours. Will be back reviewing at the end of the month I hope.

message 27: by Karen (new)

Karen Pat, will be nice to see you more again.

message 28: by Karen (new)

Karen Rude Chick wrote: "I am currently reading "And the Shofar Blew" by Francine Rivers... our church went through something similar with our older established pastor dying and the younger youth pastor taking the reigns. ..."
Rude Chick, That is a great book, but kind of melancholy since I get that way since that is my personality, but I could hardly put it down.

message 29: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Kirk | 154 comments Karen wrote: "Pat, will be nice to see you more again." Thanks Karen.

message 30: by Karen (new)

Karen You are welcome Pat. I am reading: Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye -Tim LaHaye. a friend sent me this one because we correspond back and forth on temperament and personality. this is like the 4th book I have read with this subject. I find it fascinating. Has really helped me with getting along much better with husband and others. It does take me awhile to get through non fiction though because fiction is what I read to relax with and must be in the mood to read non fiction books.

message 31: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Kirk | 154 comments Karen wrote: "You are welcome Pat. I am reading:Spirit-Controlled Temperament by Tim LaHaye-Tim LaHaye. a friend sent me this one because we correspond back and forth on temperament and perso..." Thanks Karen. I'm going to be looking for a book to review on my site. Will see if I can find it on Net Galley.

message 32: by Karen (new)

Karen :)

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

Didn't want to start a new thread for a single day, so I thought I'd post here. I'm having a Cyber Monday sale on THE HUGUENOT SWORD - Kindle & Nook versions 99 cents!

message 34: by Karen (new)

Karen Thanks Shawn.

message 35: by David (new)

David Santos (authordas) | 20 comments I just got done reading Everything I Never Wanted to Be by Dina Kucera

The back cover talks about God and all but the book doesnt mention him much. Alot of cussing as well so I dont know if its fair to call it a Christian book.....ok Nope lets remove it aha.

I read Crispen Point. That is Christian and I enjoyed it as my first Christian book.

message 36: by Mary (new)

Mary Findley | 143 comments Shawn wrote: "Didn't want to start a new thread for a single day, so I thought I'd post here. I'm having a Cyber Monday sale on THE HUGUENOT SWORD - Kindle & Nook versions 99 cents!


I got it! I got it! Thanks, Shawn!

message 37: by Karen (new)

Karen Mary wrote: "Shawn wrote: "Didn't want to start a new thread for a single day, so I thought I'd post here. I'm having a Cyber Monday sale on THE HUGUENOT SWORD - Kindle & Nook versions 99 cents!"

I am happy for you.

message 38: by Karen (new)

Karen David wrote: "I just got done reading Everything I Never Wanted to Be by Dina Kucera

The back cover talks about God and all but the book doesnt mention him much. Alot of cussing as well so I dont know if i..."

I have read some like that- disappointing though there may be stuff to learn in them.

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

LOL, Mary, and enjoy!

message 40: by Carree (last edited Dec 07, 2011 04:37PM) (new)

Carree Lee (httpwwwcarreeleeblogspotcom) | 4 comments Marcia I found you on smashwords and I will check out some of your books. I read Any Minute by Joyce Meyer and really enjoyed it. This books helps us to focus on the things in life that matter most and to not get caught up in the rat race. It also lets you see the anguish and pain you live with when you refuse to forgive and hold grudges.

message 41: by Mary (new)

Mary Findley | 143 comments Thanks Shawn! It's like 3 Musketeers, Scarlet Pimpernell, and Zorro all rolled into one!

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

LOL, Mary.

message 43: by Karen (new)

Karen Shawn wrote: "LOL, Mary."

message 44: by Mary (new)

Mary Findley | 143 comments Finished the book reviewed here amazon and on our blog. Tweeted and shared cover image.from my new Fire! The Huguenot Sword by Shawn Lamb

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Thanks, Mary! I appreciate it. :)

message 46: by Karen (new)

Karen Shawn wrote: "Thanks, Mary! I appreciate it. :)"

read the review. she read that lickity split. lol

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes, she did! lol.

message 48: by Karen (new)

Karen ♡♡♡

message 49: by Patricia (new)

Patricia Kirk | 154 comments Jeff wrote: ""The Ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning. I love how it is about the grace and love of God." Great title.

message 50: by [deleted user] (new)

Tobymac's City on our Knees. It is very convicting about the love and unity God's people should always show.

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