Hopeful Wanderers discussion

Married with Zombies (Living with the Dead, #1)
This topic is about Married with Zombies
Married With Zombies

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message 1: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 69 comments Mod
This book is such an easy and good read. It always had something going on and the characters were realistic and easy to love.

The book was a good mix of funny and sad. Well written and I must read the second one now.

Isis Molina (isismolina) | 77 comments Mod
I loved Sarah and David and the zombie-infested world they lived in!

Gahh it was so great, so many zombies and the different ways they learned to fight them. I loved how the zombies acted during the ten minutes or so while they turned, God it was creepily awesome.

The religious cult? Damn that thing rocked. It freaked me out so much, and I really appreciate when zombie stories highlight the fact that humans are just as terrible, whether zombified or not.

It definitely was an easy read, and I gotta admit, I got scared at some points. I kind of felt like I was in this awful situation and that made it all more real.

So great read, and I also hope to read the second book.

Go Sarah & David!!!

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