The Next Best Book Club discussion

Personal Reading Goals > Joy's Personal Reading Goals

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message 1: by Joy Marie (new)

Joy Marie Okay, so here it is. I had originally joined several book clubs here because I had several reading goals. I have since decided it is too much to keep up with so I am posting all my reading goals here in one book club. Thanks so much for making this possible!

Goal #1: Track the # of books I read in a year. My tracking began as of March 2009.

Goal #2: Read as many books off the 1001 books you should read before you die list before I die :)

message 4: by Joy Marie (new)

Joy Marie Goal #1
12. Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich

message 5: by April (new)

April (booksandwine) | 954 comments What did you think of 1984? I'm currently reading it and finding it quite disturbing.

message 6: by Joy Marie (new)

Joy Marie April wrote: "What did you think of 1984? I'm currently reading it and finding it quite disturbing."

I really liked 1984. I had to read it for a college course about 3 yrs ago. It is disturbing, but I often find myself liking disturbing books. I guess I liked that it made me really start thinking about the US government and how important it is to keep up with what is going on here and in the rest of the world. Because of this book, I always research candidates and I never miss a trip to the voting polls. I also started watching and reading the news on the TV and internet.

message 8: by Joy Marie (new)

Joy Marie Goal #1
14. Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
Can't wait for the movie to come out. I think it will be great!

message 15: by Angela (new)

Angela | 1934 comments Did you like Pillars of the Earth? This is for one of my tasks.

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