Gay fiction/non-fiction discussion

General > Question of the Week

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

I think I will start a new topic weekly to enliven this dying group.

So, this week, the question would be:

What is the perfect dinner for a snowy evening? What would you want to eat when it's snowing outside and you could prepare anything, or order anything, what would that be?

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

For me, that would be a bowl of spicy chili with warm cornbread. And something chocolate for dessert. I'm thinking dark chocolate brownies with dark chocolate chips.

message 3: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Rambling Reader wrote: "I think I will start a new topic weekly to enliven this dying group.

So, this week, the question would be:

What is the perfect dinner for a snowy evening? What would you want to eat when it'..."

So how much Schnappas have u been drinking? lol This is not a dying group .. it grows weekly. When i started gay fiction/non-fiction there were 8 memmebers in 2 weeks.. now look a it. In way less than a

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Ted wrote: "Rambling Reader wrote: "I think I will start a new topic weekly to enliven this dying group.

So, this week, the question would be:

What is the perfect dinner for a snowy evening? What would you ..."

Oh gosh, who told you I have been taking a nip of schnapps? LOL

I mean, the discussion board... no one is contributing anythig. So I thought I'd ask a new question every week.

message 5: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
So make ramble about books, Rambling, not about ephemera! lol (sorry, couldn't resist that one!)

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Ted wrote: "So make ramble about books, Rambling, not about ephemera! lol (sorry, couldn't resist that one!)"



message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

How about this? Can we discuss about whether it is appropriate for straight actors to play gay roles, such as Sean Penn playing Harvey Milk in the Oscar contender, "Milk"?

As this was adapted from Randy Shilts' book, The Mayor of Castro Street The Life and Times of Harvey Milk

And on a related note, Philadelphia just announced that the One City, One Movie selection would be "Basquiat" which has many gay characters such as Andy Warhol and some other figures that I can't remember off the top of my sleep-deprived head.

message 8: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy (dontyouaskme) | 27 comments Chili and cornbread is great, but it's just too heavy to eat before you go play in the snow! I'd definitely just have a warm homemade panini.. then walk to the bar. Mmmm!

message 9: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Jeremy wrote: "Chili and cornbread is great, but it's just too heavy to eat before you go play in the snow! I'd definitely just have a warm homemade panini.. then walk to the bar. Mmmm!"

What would you order at the bar?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Who's Adam Richman?

message 12: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy (dontyouaskme) | 27 comments Some good whiskey bourbon on the rocks - Woodford, Bulleit, Knob Creek. Mmmm.

message 13: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
You said you'd like a Coke, Jeremy? LOL

message 14: by Jeremy (new)

Jeremy (dontyouaskme) | 27 comments I'm of legal age to enjoy the finer spirits in life, thank you very much :) Living near the Whiskey Capital of the World has its perks.

message 15: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Jeremy wrote: "I'm of legal age to enjoy the finer spirits in life, thank you very much :) Living near the Whiskey Capital of the World has its perks."

Sorry, wrong "Jeremy," Jeremy!

message 16: by Edna Little Fish (new)

Edna Little Fish In Running Waters Spring (LittleFish1938) | 8 comments Rambling Reader wrote: "I think I will start a new topic weekly to enliven this dying group.

So, this week, the question would be:

What is the perfect dinner for a snowy evening? What would you want to eat when it'..."

I agree with the Chili, but I don't want mine Spicy, I want lots of Cheese added, My cornbread needs to have Green Chili's and Cheese added to it and how about a Triple Chocolate Cupcake. To Drink I would want Spieced Apple Cider.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)


message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow... what a delicious suggestion. How about a side of garlicky broccoli rabe with that seared tuna steak?

I'm thinking a pear and sour cherry tart for dessert.

OH we should get together and just eat!

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Cody wrote: "As for my favorite winter meal...

Since I am a diabetic and stay nauseated for most of the day, I eat VERY little. But my favorite meal is homemade chicken and dumplings (fluff, not noodle-esqu..."

Wow, that is so SOUTHERN! That was exactly what my mother would have made.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Cody wrote: "Rambling Reader wrote: "How about this? Can we discuss about whether it is appropriate for straight actors to play gay roles, such as Sean Penn playing Harvey Milk in the Oscar contender, "Milk"?

I am referring to the obviously gay sensibility of Warhol's art, from his mass-produced silk screens, using iconic symbols such as Jackie, Monroe, and Mao to his magazine, "Interview". Let's not forget those films with Joe Dallesandro and his cherubic ass.

message 21: by Collin (new)

Collin Kelley | 17 comments A big bowl of brunswick stew is perfect for a winter evening, especially if eaten while reading a great book.

message 22: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Perhaps you gastronomes could recommend some good gay cook books? lol

message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

Kate wrote: "Ted, you might like Cooking with Fernet Branca *hee hee*"

Wow, that seems like an odd book, would you recommend that?

Yes, I bake all of my desserts. I'll bring the pear and sour cherries tart.

For Cody's supper of chicken dumplins, I will bring a blackberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream.
For the ghastly cheeseburger bacon pizza, I'll bring a plate of fresh fruit and mint springs to cleanse the palate.

Ted, you asked a great question and I was thinking about gay cookbooks.... hmm! The Food Network does not have any out gay television personality. The irony of that!

However, I can think of several well-known gay cookbook authors, such as Craig Clairborne's Kitchen Primer

Brini Maxwell's Guide to Gracious Living Tips, Tricks, Recipes, and Ideas to Make Your Life Bloom

James Beard's American Cookery

Yes, broccoli rabe is perhaps my favorite, it is also called broccoli rape', or rabe, or in Italian, rapini. Simply wash the leaves as you would with spinach or other leafy green vegetables, then sautee in a pan with olive oil, lots of chopped garlic, red pepper flakes, onions, and a little bit of balsamic vinegar. Sautee until slightly wilted. Serve warm!

What exactly is brunswick stew?

message 24: by John (last edited Feb 24, 2009 10:34AM) (new)

John I second Cooking with Fernet Branca, though many of the "ingredients" would be tough to come by if one were tempted by Gerry's recipes.

Cody: look into A Late Dinner by Paul Richardson - openly gay writer on the (regional) Spanish food scene.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Cody wrote: "Brunswick Stew is not unlike beef stew in it's ingredients, but it has chicken as its meat and lima beans are a must!

I love the Brini Maxwell book but the episode where she packed a lunch to ta..."

Cody, is brunswick stew a Southern dish? If that's so, then I might have had it before but never knew the name of it.

Brini is such a campy personification. I wish she'd come back on TV.

Oh, perhaps Mario has questionable taste in footwear, but Gwyneth is... well, rather questionable lately. Oh golly, check out

I adore Spanish food, especially a well-prepared paella. And I think the way the Spanish cook an omelet is the most perfect. Simply eggs with onions and potatoes, and perhaps some parsley. Esta delicioso!

message 26: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Should we change the name of this discussion from "Question of the Week" to "Soup du Jour"? LOL!

message 27: by Scott (last edited Feb 25, 2009 06:37AM) (new)

Scott (scottmillerdc) I love Brunswick Stew & I just started eating it a couple months ago. My boyfriend's parents turned me onto it and now whenever we head down to Virginia, we always pick some up. It is PERFECT on a beautiful fall day in the mountains. They sell it at Sam's club and Walmart :) It is really tasty, but kind of expensive but totally worth it.

[image error]

message 28: by Edna Little Fish (new)

Edna Little Fish In Running Waters Spring (LittleFish1938) | 8 comments I haven't had Brunswick Stew in many years.

Now, to the other question about Gay/Straight Actors. Once upon a time, I would have said it didn't matter, however, you ALL know that I am a Native American (Indian), and I feel that "WE" should be the Actors in Movies that depict "US", I am going to have to change my mind and say that "G/L/B/T should be playing their Parts and not the Straights.

message 29: by Kevin (new)

Kevin (imkevbo) | 5 comments I love it!

Who cares if the discussions about dinner/gay books/or straight movies with gay actors/or gay movies with straight actors.

It's about the CONVERSATION!

And look, it's FLOWING!

Great job Rambling Reader.

I would settle for a Kickin' Bowl of Chili myself for a cold, snowy evening!

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Oh, thank you!

I'm so happy that you are enjoying this topic.

message 31: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
"Who's books these are I think I know,
His chili's in the crockpot though,
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his books admit a glow."

message 32: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
ok, "...emit a glow." lol

message 33: by [deleted user] (new)

Ted, that's a great poem. ;)

Nancy, I couldn't see the pictures, what are those exciting desserts you have in mind for our brunswick stew?

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

LOL Still can't see the picture but I noticed the caption, which is spotted dick.

Well, hey, how did you know I love dick? LOL

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

message 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Wow, spotted dick sounds delicious. I read a few recipes and it makes me think of fruitcake and spice cake, with vanilla sauce. Yummy!

I checked out a few recipes for Brunswick stew. Sounds yummy! Reminds me of burgoo.

Anyone read any exciting literature lately?

message 37: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes, I didn't know that until I saw the Heinz Spotted Dick on! 6 pack for $5.99!

I'd rather cook my own desserts. I'm scared of pre-packaged foodstuffs, especially after reading In Defense of Food An Eater's Manifesto

message 38: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes, that's also a great book. I read that for a sociology class, I believe. Wow, I read many good books for my sociology classes. Maybe I should be a sociologist. LOL

message 39: by [deleted user] (new)

Edna Little Fish wrote: "I haven't had Brunswick Stew in many years.

Now, to the other question about Gay/Straight Actors. Once upon a time, I would have said it didn't matter, however, you ALL know that I am a Native ..."

Oh that explains your adorable last name. I thought it was a reference to that film LOL

Well, I am Deaf and I don't appreciate hearing people taking Deaf roles when they are not native American Sign Language signers. There is so much more to ASL than just signs. Roland Barthes wrote, "I am a body writing. I am a bodily writing."

I read in a recent article about Harvey Milk and how Sean Penn made his mannerisms even more foppish, when the real Milk was not that flaming. And this brings into a new issue. Why is that people are afraid of perceived femininity in men, gay men or otherwise?
If Sean Penn was bisexual or has acted on his gay feelings in the past, maybe this would be a completely different controversy.
But then again, this all goes back to the classic argument whether homosexuality is essential or socially constructed.
An interesting analogy for this is the recent controversy of Robert Downey, Jr. putting on blackface in a recent movie. He's a great actor but his actions can be so......... (you can fill in the blank).

message 40: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
I'm for making "Why is that people are afraid of perceived femininity in men, gay men or otherwise?" a new Question of the Week.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

Allright! Let's discuss this new topic. That is, if everyone else wishes to discuss this topic.

message 42: by [deleted user] (new)

Cody wrote: "G/L/B/T should be playing their Parts and not the Straights

Good luck finding enough out actors!"

True dat!

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

Cody wrote: "Mrs. Fearnow's Brunswick Stew is the best for a canned version.

Good luck finding it though. It's made in Richmond and though I am only 6 hours from there it's only available at Kroger's here."

OMG! Where do you live? My family shops at Kroger in Tennessee.

message 44: by Ted (last edited Feb 25, 2009 09:50PM) (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Cody, chill. I don't think Kate was condemning the acting profession. For me, the gist of her post was that TV portrayals have become "gimmicky" and stereotypical. This isn't the fault of hardworking actors but of producers and writers foisting stereotypes to mass audiences. Kate's summation is "... but an actor's true orientation is only one aspect of the whole picture." How does this disrespect actors? [Also see my next post:]

message 45: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
On the other hand, with so many accomplished writers, actors, and directors, I feel that it's more or less irrelevant if a straight actor plays a gay role or vice versa. Isn't it nice that an actor can make the role beleivable?

As Cody says, I reach into the depths of my soul to discover the "back story" for my character and to create a real, human out of only black words on a white page. There might be parts that I am better suited for but that is true for all actors.

So, straight-playing-gay, hearing-playing-deaf, cauacasian-playing-native american... it's all in the art and artifice. If it works, if it's good, if it's believable, if it strikes a chord... then cool.

message 46: by Megan (last edited Feb 26, 2009 01:58PM) (new)

Megan RFA (subtlemegan) | 3 comments Neil Patrick Harris plays an excellent straight man. If you're a good actor you're a good actor, no matter your orientation.

message 47: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
The original British QAF was, I think, much better. Same with The Office.

message 48: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
Ricky Gervais invented the role of dufus office manager David Brent. He's the best.

The original QAF, set in Manchester, is much more beleivable, sexy, with the young blond lover far cuter in my opinion.

Get them on Amazon...

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Has anyone read the new book by Perez Hilton?

Red Carpet Suicide A Survival Guide on Keeping Up With the Hiltons

message 50: by Ted (new)

Ted (efcorson) | 414 comments Mod
But aren't we supposed to adore our celebrity role models? After all, they're so adorable and so hormonal. They're whom we wish we were, in a different universe. They've exposed their tabloid-insinuating lives, for US. They eat, they sunbathe, they're trust funds are dwindling, and they even poop once a day.. just like us! It's not just the here and now. I think that hero worship has been around for a long time. Ask Mel Brooks (The History of the World, Part 1). Will we never learn to stop feeling guilty about our heros and heroins and just accept vicarious pleasure for what it is? FUN!

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