The Next Best Book Club discussion

TNBBC's Lists > Favourite Authors from your native country

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message 1: by Megan (new)

Megan Lyons | 36 comments I'm not sure where everyone is from, but I think it would be fun to recommend 3 authors with the same nationality as yourself.

I am Canadian (from Vancouver) and my three favourite Canadian authors are

Michael Ondaatje
Margaret Atwood
Ann-Marie MacDonald

message 2: by [deleted user] (last edited Jan 30, 2009 11:59PM) (new)

I didn't know Atwood was Canadian. I thought English or Irish...

I'm not Italian, but live in Italy, and recommend:

Andrea Camilleri who writes, among other things, a series of mysteries which take place in Sicily.
The Rai (Italian State TV) has made a series of really good films based on the books.

If I think of another two, I'll put them in... or Jeanne and Elena can help me!!

message 3: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments I am from Belgium but will just mention Dutch writing authors (probably not many Dutch people around here)

Renate Dorrestein
Jos Vandeloo

Bob Mendes
fiction based on non-fiction, very good

Hayes, will have to think a bit more, but the first book of an italian writer that I really loved was Paolo Giordano- La solitudine dei numeri primi

non-fiction italian writer (he died some years ago)
Tiziano Terzani
My favourite book by him and one of myfavourite books in general is A Fortune-teller Told Me Earthbound Travels in the Far East

Federico Moccia

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Paolo Giordano - The Solitude of Prime Numbers is how it was translated in English. Don't know this one, but I think they made a film of it recently. I nerver get to the cinema anymore, so haven't seen it.

message 5: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Don't know about the movie. I got it is a present for my birtday, the Italian version. It was really good.

message 6: by Fallon (new)

Fallon | 120 comments My favourite australian author is Bryce courtenay, writes very australian history themed novels...

message 7: by Kandice (new)

Kandice Well I live in America, so my three favorite American authors are:
1.) Stephen King
2.) Michael Crichton
3.) James Patterson

message 8: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Kandice, any favourites of the State you live in?

message 9: by Jamie (new)

Jamie By state, I'd say my favorite MN authors are:

F. Scott Fitzgerald
Gary Paulsen
Laura Ingalls Wilder

I haven't read, but look forward to reading:

Neil Gaiman
Tim O'Brien
Sinclair Lewis

message 10: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments This is becoming very interesting!!!

message 11: by Gracee (new)

Gracee (graceebongolan) | 11 comments I am from beautiful Asian Country Philippines =)

My favorite author is Jessica Zafra. She's a fiction writer, columnist, editor, publisher and former tv and radio show host. Beat that. I love most of her works because it tackles about what goes on in our society.

I am also looking forward into reading Bob Ong's Books.


message 12: by Kandice (new)

Kandice Jeane, I LOVE Steinbeck. I can't believe I forgot to list him. He lived in Monterey and Salinas, and I actually lived in both those cities for a few years. It was so interesting to see everything he was describing. His writing is so sparse that any detail he gives is right on.

Susanna - Censored by GoodReads (susannag) | 1736 comments My favorite author from here in South Carolina is probably Pat Conroy.

message 14: by Kathryn (new)

Kathryn I'm American, from California.

Three favorite US Authors:
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Walt Whitman
Louisa May Alcott

It might also be fun to mention which books you think present a good/interesting view of one's country or state--historical or contemporary. For example, I love John Steinbeck's
Cannery Row which focuses on Monterey, CA--a place I have visited often her in Northern California--back in the early 1920s, I believe.

message 15: by Tango (new)

Tango Favourite Australian authors:

Tim Winton
Tom Keneally (I've met him and he originally lived where I work)
John Marsden (I've met him too, he writes for young adults)

message 16: by Stef (new)

Stef (buch_ratte) | 650 comments My favourite german authors are:

Philipp Vandenberg
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Daniel Kehlmann

message 17: by Paula (new)

Paula (paula717) | 52 comments I'm American from NY but my mom is Portuguese and my dad is Portuguese/Brazilian. I also lived in Portugal for a few years and visit very often.

Portuguese authors: Luis Camoes & Fernando Pessoa
Brazilian author: Paulo Coelho

message 18: by Laurel (new)

Laurel Tango, I loved "Dirt Music" by Tim Winton.

I'm Canadian and must recommend Guy Gavriel Kay. His character development is amazing!

message 19: by Jeane (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments Laurel wrote: "Tango, I loved "Dirt Music" by Tim Winton.

I'm Canadian and must recommend Guy Gavriel Kay. His character development is amazing!"

What genre of books does he write?

JG (Introverted Reader) Laurel, I love Guy Gavriel Kay too! In fact, I was just going through my books and realized that some of my all-time-favorite authors (Charles de Lint and L.M. Montgomery) are Canadian also, so I started a Canada shelf just to watch that trend in my reading.

message 21: by Megan (new)

Megan Lyons | 36 comments Laurel wrote: "Tango, I loved "Dirt Music" by Tim Winton.

I'm Canadian and must recommend Guy Gavriel Kay. His character development is amazing!"

I need to check out Kay. I am Canadian and tend to really like Canadian authors. I am embarrassed to say that I have never heard of him...

message 22: by Megan (new)

Megan Lyons | 36 comments JG wrote: "Laurel, I love Guy Gavriel Kay too! In fact, I was just going through my books and realized that some of my all-time-favorite authors (Charles de Lint and L.M. Montgomery) are Canadian also, so I ..."

I share the love for Montgomery. Anne is probably my favourite heroine of all time.

JG (Introverted Reader) Megan, I just recently joined this group here on GR: Kindred Spirits. It's for L.M. Montgomery fans, if you're interested.

message 24: by Lynai (last edited Feb 12, 2009 10:20PM) (new)

Lynai My favorite Filipino author is JESSICA ZAFRA. She's hilarious. You can check out her site at:

message 25: by Carol (last edited Mar 16, 2009 12:21PM) (new)

Carol (caroldias) I´m from Brazil.

My favorite authors from here are:
Luis Fernando Veríssimo
Mario Prata

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm Irish. Julian Gough, and Yeats.

Elizabeth (Alaska) I rarely know what country is the author's native country. Living in the US, you don't notice nativity so much.

message 28: by Liz (new)

Liz Durham | 58 comments I lived in New Zealand for a little while. My favorite author from over there is Maurice Gee. I grew up in Kentucky, though, so my favorite authors from the Bluegrass are Barbara Kingsolver and Janice Holt Giles.

Anyone know of any good authors from North Dakota?

Elizabeth (Alaska) Liz wrote: "Anyone know of any good authors from North Dakota?"

Louise Erdrich is one of the best novelists ever, and she happens to have grown up in North Dakota. Mosca has written recommendations for her, and you might want to check that post. I stumbled upon her by reading The Master Butchers Singing Club. Apparently, however, characters from her books repeat, so, though she doesn't write a series, it might be better to read her books in order. Love Medicine A Novel was her first novel.

message 30: by Liz (new)

Liz Durham | 58 comments Thanks Elizabeth! I appreciate it!

message 31: by Megan (new)

Megan Lyons | 36 comments Megha wrote: "I am from India and my favorite Indian author is Salman Rushdie. If any of you are interested in Indian writing, I highly recommend [b:Midnight's Children|14836|Midnight's Children|Salman Rushdie|h..."

I'll have to look into Midnight's Children. I tend to really like novels that are set in India. I find they are written very poetically and have interesting characters.

Yusra Zainab Laghari (yusrazainab) I am from Pakistan and my favorite Pakistani authors are:
Mumtaz Mufti
Ashfaque Ahmed
Bapsi Sidhwa

Yusra Zainab Laghari (yusrazainab) Bapsi Sidhwa is an internationally acclaimed author from Pakistan. i havent read Cracking India A Novel but i have read American Brat. it was a good read. I too have heard many good things about Cracking India so i think you should go for it. this novel is also made into a film called "earth".

message 34: by [deleted user] (new)

I'm from Australia!

Matthew Reilly
Melina Marchetta

message 35: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) I'm from Finland. I haven't read many Finnish authors until recently but I have to say that Väinö Linna is IMHO definitely one of the best.

Petra on hiatus but getting better.Happy New 2024! (petra-x) Wales. The immortal Dylan Thomas. Under Milk Wood is just one of the funniest things I've ever read.

message 37: by John (new)

John Burns J.G.Ballard
George Orwell
Oscar Wilde
Alan Moore
H. G. Wells
Britain's OK but america has definitely produced more great writers.

message 38: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (bellamy22) | 610 comments Okay ...

Dean Koontz ...Stephen King ... Anne Rice

message 39: by El (new)

El Edith Wharton is a favorite American author of mine.
Pearl S. Buck

For specifically Pennsylvania:
Michael Chabon
Stewart O'Nan
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle)

message 40: by Eve (new)

Eve (eve_lyn) Two Filipino-American authors whose work I've enjoyed:

Jessica Hagedorn
Tess Uriza Holthe

message 41: by Gorana (last edited Aug 23, 2009 11:26AM) (new)

Gorana | 98 comments country: SERBIA ( it used to be republic of former Yugoslavia)

Ivo Andrić published The Bridge on the Drina in 1945, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961.
The Bridge on the Drina

Danilo Kiš
Miloš Crnjanski
Meša Selimović
Borislav Pekić
Milorad Pavić
Dobrica Ćosić
Goran Petrović
Igor Marojević
Zoran Živković

Jelena Dimitrijevic and Isidora Sekulić are two early twentieth century women writers.

Svetlana Velmar-Jankovic is the best known female author in Serbia today.

Milorad Pavić - Dictionary of the Khazars

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) California USA

From CA
John Steinbeck

USA general
Louisa May Alcott
Mark Twain
Jim Butcher
Mary Higgins Clarke

message 43: by Polly (new)

Polly Okay I'm British. My favourite british author is J.K. Rowling.

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