Meghhnaa (On a Review-Writing Break!)'s Reviews > Animal Farm

Animal Farm by George Orwell
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's review

it was amazing

“Animal Farm”
is a hilarious polemic, anthropomorphic, allegorical novel on the 1917 Russian revolution, but is very much perpetually applicable to the past, current and future political state-of-affairs! It is emblematic of rebellion against dictators and totalitarianism!

It is a story of the Farmer Jones’ animals rising up in rebellion, tired of exploitation, to take over the “Manor Farm”, to build a fairer society for themselves. There are stark similarities between politicians and animal leaders. Power and use of language for controlling minds, has been astutely demonstrated in this novel, by George Orwell. Being a short-fabled fairy-like animal entertainer, it doesn’t render itself into a boring political study for a tad!

A satirical comedy on the inextricability of power and corruption, and their insidious effect on the common public! The corruption of the pigs metaphorically demonstrates the yielding of the politicians (in any age or era) for gaining power and control. The skilful use of peer pressure by pigs to keep the rest of the animals subservient, is analogous to modern-day plight of students and corporate employees!

The story begins with the 12-yr old Major(boar), revealing his dream to his comrades(other animals at farm), about the future rebellion of animals against men, and teaching all a song-“Beasts Of England”.
He clarifies to all – "All men are enemies. All animals are comrades."
Soon Major dies, Snowball and Napoleon, take the lead! One fine evening, the animals drive away Mr. Jones (farm owner), and rename the farm – “Animal Farm”.

The 7 commandments are inscribed, on the tarred wall with great white letters-

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
3. No animal shall wear clothes.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

Since most of the animals cannot learn to read or to memorize the seven commandments, the commandments are reduced to one simple maxim: “Four legs good, two legs bad.”

Mr. Jones tries to recapture the farm, but Snowball successfully defends it. Mollie, the horse, who is seen consorting with the humans, is confronted, and finally leaves the rebellion and the Farm!

The humans despise the burgeoning of the Animal Farm!

But things don’t remain hunky-dory, and we see the rebellion being betrayed, the farm getting dilapidated again, all under the dictatorship of one of their leaders! (avoiding spoilers)

Animal Farm is a fun ride, as it teaches the intertwinement and inextricability of power and corruption in the most amusingly creative way, which remains applicable to current age and aeons to come!

A fun-filled 5 stars!!
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Comments Showing 51-94 of 94 (94 new)

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Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Miya (where is fall...) wrote: "Excellent review Meghna!"

Thanks so much, lovely Miya! <3 <3 <3

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Rachel wrote: "Fantastic review Meghna! I’ve tried to catch up on reading my classics, but I’ve had a hard time- can’t seem to get into them lately…"

Thanks, Rachel! <3
I totally get it, recently I am finding it tough to catch up with contemporary, so let's strike a deal - you edify me on all that you read, and I shall try to do justice with whatever little I am going through!

message 53: by Lit with Leigh (new)

Lit with Leigh Wonderfully written review, Meghna. I asked my husband (he's never read a book for enjoyment) what he thought Animal Farm was about and he said "a guy who is feeding human remains to his pigs." Sooooo... LOL

message 54: by Di yan (new)

Di yan finally read it meghna.....perfect review for a perfect joyful book.

message 55: by Nika (new)

Nika Wonderful review, Meghna! I read this novel in high school, and, as it turned out, those seven commandments are still in my memory :)
I, too, think that the message this story conveys is quite universal.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Di yan wrote: "finally read it meghna.....perfect review for a perfect joyful book."

Thanks for the kind words! :) <3

message 57: by Di yan (new)

Di yan Meghna wrote: "Di yan wrote: "finally read it meghna.....perfect review for a perfect joyful book."

Thanks for the kind words! :) <3"


Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nika wrote: "Wonderful review, Meghna! I read this novel in high school, and, as it turned out, those seven commandments are still in my memory :)
I, too, think that the message this story conveys is quite univ..."

Thanks dearest, Nika! So true, it conveys a universal message! <3 :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) GirlWithThePinkSkiMask wrote: "Wonderfully written review, Meghna. I asked my husband (he's never read a book for enjoyment) what he thought Animal Farm was about and he said "a guy who is feeding human remains to his pigs." Soo..."

Thanks so so much! :)
Your husband, is pretty imaginative! LOL :-D
He must have surely loved it.

Nicole All pigs are created equal but some bugs are more equal than others = best saying ever.

Nicole PIGS* oh, my typo ruined the mood and I can’t edit 😂

message 62: by Tharindu (new) - added it

Tharindu Dissanayake This has been on my TBR and forever and cannot believe I still didn't get around to reading it. Great review, Meghna!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nicole wrote: "PIGS* oh, my typo ruined the mood and I can’t edit 😂"

Not at all, the literary mood is still on! :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Nicole wrote: "All pigs are created equal but some bugs are more equal than others = best saying ever."

:-) :-) :-)
<3 <3 <3

message 65: by Meghhnaa (last edited Sep 10, 2022 03:44AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Tharindu wrote: "This has been on my TBR and forever and cannot believe I still didn't get around to reading it. Great review, Meghna!"

Thanks so much, Tharindu! :)
Actually, there is so much to read and time is limited :-/
Try to read it, whenever you get time.

Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile) This is another favorite of mine! Excellent review, once again!😊

message 67: by Han (new)

Han Lovely review! Moving it up on my TBR list!

Graham “Smell the Ink” This is the best review on Goodreads I have ever seen, you are brilliant Meghna, I will value your future reviews I’m sure.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Sujoya wrote: "This is another favorite of mine! Excellent review, once again!😊"

Thanks, lovely Sujoya! <3 <3 <3

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Hanna wrote: "Lovely review! Moving it up on my TBR list!"

Thanks so so much, Hanna! <3 <3 :) :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Graham “Smell the Ink” wrote: "This is the best review on Goodreads I have ever seen, you are brilliant Meghna, I will value your future reviews I’m sure."

Thanks to the moon and back, Graham! I am already floating in the clouds, thanks for the kind words. :) <3

message 72: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Welsh Meghna wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "Terrific review of a book I keep meaning to read, Meghna. This may be the year - thanks for the reminder :)"

Thanks, Jennifer! <3
Do update me on your views, post completion!"

I will, thank you. :)

Barbara Your review is a fun-filled 5 star review! I enjoyed reading it.

message 74: by Meghhnaa (last edited Sep 12, 2022 03:05PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Barbara wrote: "Your review is a fun-filled 5 star review! I enjoyed reading it."

Lots of gratitude, Barbara! Your appreciation means a lot to me!

Sophie I loved this one too. What a beautiful and lyrical review my friend.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Sophie wrote: "I loved this one too. What a beautiful and lyrical review my friend."

Many thanks, Sophie! <3 :)

message 77: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Reading your review I think Ive read this book a long time ago or at least something very similar to this one. I remember liking it alot, it was an original concept. Great review!

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Jenny wrote: "Reading your review I think Ive read this book a long time ago or at least something very similar to this one. I remember liking it alot, it was an original concept. Great review!"

Many thanks, Jenny! <3 :)
Yes, it permeates originality <3 <3

message 79: by Kay (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kay Fab review Meghna!

Federico DN Such a wonderful classic. My heart always goes for Boxer <3. Great review Meghna!

message 81: by Meghhnaa (last edited Sep 18, 2022 06:21AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Kay wrote: "Fab review Meghna!"

Thanks a bunch, Kay! <3

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Federico wrote: "Such a wonderful classic. My heart always goes for Boxer <3. Great review Meghna!"

Awww, Thanks so much, Federico! :)

Mark  Porton A 5-star, stellar review Meghna - your love of this one shines through, it reminded me how much I enjoyed this one. So applicable to today (any era really) - when things go all pear-shaped when absolute power corrupts. Orwell had a brain the size of a planet I reckon! Nice one :))

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Mark wrote: "A 5-star, stellar review Meghna - your love of this one shines through, it reminded me how much I enjoyed this one. So applicable to today (any era really) - when things go all pear-shaped when abs..."

Lots of gratitude, Mark! Orwell, didn't own a brain but a planet itself :-D

Marcia Since Orwell was a socialist I think it is interesting that he showed the good and the bad of it. As they say "power corrupts" as it did with the 4 legs good 2 bad to 2 good and 4 bad.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Marcia wrote: "Since Orwell was a socialist I think it is interesting that he showed the good and the bad of it. As they say "power corrupts" as it did with the 4 legs good 2 bad to 2 good and 4 bad."

Aptly mentioned, Marcia! <3

message 87: by Fran (last edited Sep 28, 2022 04:04AM) (new)

Fran Stellar review, Meghna! Who could possibly forget the catch phrase "Two legs bad, four legs good". Thank you for a lovely write-up of a classic! 💖

message 88: by Kimber (new)

Kimber Silver A wonderful review, Meghna! :-)

Marcia This book is a good example of what we are going through. Big brother is watching and its called "technology" Everyone should read it.

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Fran wrote: "Stellar review, Meghna! Who could possibly forget the catch phrase "Two legs bad, four legs good". Thank you for a lovely write-up of a classic! 💖"

Many heartiest thanks, Fran! It is a splendid read :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Kimber wrote: "A wonderful review, Meghna! :-)"

Thanks a lot, Kimber! :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Rakesh wrote: "Arguably one of the best satirical novels of all time, relevant for our era as well
I finished this short novel in a dingy room, when the sky was full of gloomy clouds, waiting for an imminent rai..."

Many thanks, Rakesh! An unsolicited advise for you- " you have a great way with words, please write more often" :)

Meghhnaa  (On a Review-Writing Break!) Marcia wrote: "This book is a good example of what we are going through. Big brother is watching and its called "technology" Everyone should read it."

Ahh, Marcia, you stole my heart with this comeback! So true, everyone should read it without fail! :)

Naomi Hilarious? I think you’re mistaken

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