svnh's Reviews > The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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After six years of these heated and polarized debates, I'm deleting the reviews that sparked them. Thanks for sharing your frustrations, joys, and insights with me, goodreaders. Happy reading!

In love and good faith, always,
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July 31, 2007 – Shelved

Comments Showing 201-211 of 211 (211 new)

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message 201: by Tito (new) - rated it 2 stars

Tito Clarence Very well said

message 202: by Michael (new) - rated it 1 star

Michael Galdamez Really wish I could've read this review when it was up, we need more people giving unpopular opinions!

message 203: by Brandy (new) - rated it 1 star

Brandy Hunter I hate--LOATHE--this book. It's horrible; albeit, I can understand why Fitzgerald is heralded as a magnificent writer. I don't particularly enjoy his style of storytelling, but I've read this (why is it called a) classic; and I hope to never read it again.

message 204: by Max (new) - rated it 5 stars

Max Sparrow It makes me quake with anxiety to see the substantial amount of hostility towards a book because you find it incredulous as a brilliant literary work. Before I begin I would like to be clear that I respect everybody's opinion and I am only placing my own. POINT 1

1. The book was written in a different era and it is necessary to acknowledge that the language and art of writing have altered. HOWEVER!

Point number 2

2. What makes this a classic is flawlessly written descriptions that ease into one another with seamless beauty. I am aware most people found this book boring but the subtlety that was used was so tactful that it leads to a profound understanding of the art in writing. The logistical setup of the English in this book I found to be amazing!

3. The subtlety provided a lot of comical relief and it was craftily done that you had to be focused on one line after the other with a clear perception of why it was relative to humor.

4. What is most brilliant about this book is the ending. The characters are well formed and built into miraculously conflicted individuals. The ending and how it came to perspire was what made this book wonderful for me. It was a display of romance in the purest nature and I found it captivating to the very end.

I realize that many people do not feel the way I do and I understand that. However, I felt the book needed a little defending because it is a classic and always will be. This book is not taught in college Freshman course for no reason. It is wonderful. I do acknowledge that not all books are for everybody. In fact, I respect everybody's opinions and if this book were written in our current times it would not prevail--- is my guess.

Antauro I didn't have to read it in highschool. I read it now, for the first time and had not read anything else from the author. I saw it on a second-hand bookstore, it was vastlt underlined by a previous owner who had to study it, and, because of that, it cost only 1 euro. For that price it was unbeatable. I liked the first pages and then not so much, but my thougts were: "This guy can write". When I finished, me thoughts were ore like: "This guy certainly nows how to write. At time he writes beautifully. But he writes beautifully about people and situations I don't care for that much..."

Antauro The edited version:

I didn't have to read it in highschool. I read it now, for the first time and had not read anything else from the author. I saw it on a second-hand bookstore, it was vastly underlined by a previous owner who had to study it, and, because of that, it costed me only 1 euro. For that price it was unbeatable. I liked the first pages and then not so much, but my thoughts were: "This guy can write". When I finished reading it, my thoughts were more like: "This guy certainly nows how to write. At time he writes beautifully. But he writes beautifully about people and situations I don't care for that much..."

message 207: by Alexander (last edited Aug 29, 2019 12:55AM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Alexander Acosta Osorio Why did you delete it? what's wrong with the book? I've been giving this book as present for a time already! lol people must think I don't like them or something.

message 208: by Angela (new) - rated it 2 stars

Angela I'm sorry you deleted, especially before I had a chance to read the review. I wonder how much I would have agreed with your points.

deLille You censored yourself? Dang.

message 210: by Mia (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mia This site can be so hateful when you don’t like something that the masses love.

message 211: by Basil (new) - rated it 3 stars

Basil 🤓

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