Stitching Ghost's Reviews > A Living Remedy: A Memoir

A Living Remedy by Nicole Chung
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's review

Once again, I am reminded that maybe I should read the blurb before picking up a book (and still I will continue to not do so 95% of the time because I never learn) because I'm not sure it was a good time for me to read a memoir that's a lot about losing parents.

If you're looking for an adoption story from the perspective of the adopted child that isn't about either demonizing or glorifying adoption this one would be a good choice (adoption isn't necessarily the center of things here but it is an important factor).

Cancer features quite heavily as well as loss in the time of Covid lockdowns (which were treated with a refreshing openness and sense of it is what it is which I found really agreeable).

No rating because I don't rate memoirs.
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message 1: by Rain (new)

Rain Sounds like a heavy but important read. I don’t think I could tackle this one, but I appreciate your words.

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