Wendy Darling's Reviews > The Meadows

The Meadows by Stephanie Oakes
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3.5 stars

I appreciated the author making her MC one that is not the Katniss Everdeen who will bring down the establishment, as well as showing how insidiously conversion therapy techniques work. Individual choices that make small contributions to the greater good are still important and significant.

I think the scope of this story just felt a little limited, however, and I needed more character development across the board. When the plot is slower and the characters are not as dynamic or deep, you also notice logic gaps and inconsistencies more. Most importantly, on subjects so important and timely as transphobia, homophobia, internment, and the denial and repression of identity, I really wanted to feel the confusion and pain and panic and despair—or even the breathless wonder of discovery—and it just never happened.

Stephanie Oakes’ The Truth About Minnow Bly is still one of my favorite YA novels, but this one could have used another pass.
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