Mallory's Reviews > The Many Lives of Mama Love: A Memoir of Lying, Stealing, Writing, and Healing

The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin
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it was amazing

This book is beautifully written and painfully honest. I work in child welfare (CPS is how it’s referred in this book) and books like this are why I do the work I do. I don’t know if Lara’s caseworker was her partner towards reunification but that’s the caseworker I strive to be. One of the best memoirs I’ve read in a long time! I can definitely tell how Lara became a best selling New York Times author because she has a talent with words. Lara Love was a soccer mom hiding an addiction she fueled with theft until police come to her home and turn her life upside down. This book is her journey from arrest to healing. This book is about being human, making mistakes and then picking up and doing our best to fix them. This book is about trauma and forgiveness, especially self forgiveness. Definitely a must read memoir.
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March 20, 2023 – Shelved
March 20, 2023 – Shelved as: to-read
August 6, 2023 – Started Reading
August 7, 2023 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Teres (new)

Teres Beautiful review. Thank you for the important work you do, Mallory! 🥰

Karenita Great review, Mallory!

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