Book Minded Mag's Reviews > A Living Remedy: A Memoir

A Living Remedy by Nicole Chung
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it was amazing
bookshelves: fave-books-of-2022

I just finished reading this book and it took me a few minutes to get myself together. Ms. Chung has written a memoir that talks about grief in a way that is extremely relatable, especially to those who have lost parents. Although I have not gone through this type of loss yet, I had no problem understanding her pain. The author also writes of the guilt she felt living so far away from her parents, something else I can relate to. But it is Ms. Chung's chapters about the loss of her mother that had me in tears for the second half of the book.

The writing is especially beautiful and raw, letting readers know that what we're reading is how Ms. Chung felt, and still feels. It felt almost cruel how quickly she lost both parents, not having the space to grieve them individually. Reading this book helped me face my own fears of one day losing my own parents and trying to do whatever I can to be there for them like a dutiful daughter should be. I thought the author's bouts with anxiety, panic attacks, guilt and rage were necessary for readers to see on the page because too many of us still try to keep it together during times of crisis or grief, causing more harm to ourselves in the long run.

I definitely plan to purchase a finished copy of this book. I normally do not read memoirs more than once, but this book will be one of the few I choose to keep in my personal library and read again.
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