Karen's Reviews > The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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's review

it was ok

everyone says this book is so amazing, and frankly, i was really excited to read it but now that i did i am very disapointed. maybe i'll understand it more when i'm older, but right now it fails to impress me. it's not that i don't like old books, i do. i LOVED the hunchback of notre dame and phantom of the opera, and tom sawer. but i'm sad to say, this book kind of sucked. it had good imagery but it was just so boring and i kept on waiting for the amazing part to happen, that part of the book or the book itself that made it a classic. how DID this become a classic anyway??? as i was saying, i kept on waiting for the amazing part, but halfway through the book, i realized it wasn't going to happen and i couldn't really take reading any more of it anyway. my dad read it, and i asked him about it and he says that the really amazing part doesn't really happen anyway. nothing amazing happens. it's just boring the whole way through the book. from the quotes i heard my english teacher use from the great gatsby, i thought it would be amazing...i was really dissapointed...and i didn't even finish the book because it practically put me to sleep.
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Reading Progress

October 14, 2008 – Shelved
March 26, 2010 – Started Reading
Finished Reading

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